I have used a number of source control systems throughout my years as a software developer. Visual SourceSafe, TortoiseCVS, Team Foundation Server, and Git. The most recent being Git and it is by far my favorite to work with.

If you’re not familiar with Git, it is a version control system to handle small to large projects. It is also open source and free to use. Not only that, it is the most popular version control system. If you are currently developing you are probably using Git, if you are an aspiring developer it would be wise to learn some basic git commands.

I won’t use this post to go deep into Git, but this is a reference for some of the most common Git commands that I use on a daily basis.

Common Git Commands

Description Command
Initialize git git init
Set name and email. git config --global user.name
git config --global user.email
add files git add file.md
commit changes git commit -m "commit message"
create branch git branch feat1
switch branches git switch feat1
merge branch git merge feat2
delete local branch git branch -d feat2
delete remote branch git push origin -d feat2
list commits git log --oneline --all --graph
push changes git push
push local branch git push -u origin feat1
rename file git mv oldFilename newFilename

Learn to Install and Setup Git

Check out my tutorial below to get started with Git